Archives for TORRENT

Creature Commandos 2024 – H264.10Bit Neue Folge Download über Torrent

Creature Commandos 2024–  torrent
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Die Serie spielt im Jahr Superman (2025)


Folgt einer Gruppe militärischer Übermenschen, bestehend aus einem menschlichen Anführer, einem Werwolf, einem Vampir, Frankensteins Monster und einer Gorgone. Serienschöpfer und -autor James Gunn erscheint im Vorspann, während er auf seinem Laptop das Drehbuch eintippt.

Moliendo Café (Ground Coffee)(Uncredited)Traditionell[Titelsequenzmusik]

. Trat in AniMats skurrilem Animationsfilm The Cast: Return of the King (of the Hill) (2023) auf.

Creature Commandos ist eine großartige Show mit James‘ Gun Trail, voller Gewalt, Humor, Blut und Emotionen

Die Besetzung ist großartig – unterhaltsam von Anfang bis Ende, ein toller Start ins DCU, kann Superman kaum erwarten. Als ich hörte, dass sie das gesamte DCU neu starten, hatte ich meine Zweifel, aber als der Name James Gun im Kommandoposten erwähnt wurde, war ich erleichtert und ich glaube an die Richtung der Waffe und ich weiß, dass sie der Marke DC guttun wird, das würde ich tun.

James Gun ist der richtige Mann für den Job

Leute, ich empfehle euch, Creature Commandos anzuschauen, denn das ist der Beginn eines ganz neuen DC-Universums und ich kann es kaum erwarten, mehr zu sehen. Sucht ihr nach etwas anderem, das ihr eurer Beobachtungsliste hinzufügen könnt?

Findet heraus, welche Filme und Fernsehsendungen diesen Monat gestreamt werden


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Geheimes Level 2024 – DVDRip.BRRip Neue Episode Torrent

Secret Level 2024–  torrent
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Die Episode spielt nach den Ereignissen des Spiels


Diese animierte Anthologie-Serie enthält Originalgeschichten, die in den Welten kultiger Videospiele angesiedelt sind. Videospiele haben einen gewaltigen Sprung auf die Leinwand gemacht und wir feiern das Genre mit einem genaueren Blick auf über 50 Videospieladaptionen in Filme und Serien. Clive Standen übernimmt erneut seine Synchronrolle als Demetrius Titus, der Hauptfigur des Videospiels Space Marine 2.

Referenzen Film Junk Podcast: Episode 973: Carry-On (2024)

Abgesehen von ein paar großartigen Episoden fühlt sich Secret Level wie ein Denkmal der Mittelmäßigkeit an. Das Drehbuch ist schmerzhaft mittelmäßig und zieht die Show trotz der unbestreitbar beeindruckenden visuellen Effekte herunter – obwohl selbst diese sich wie überhitzte Überbleibsel eines Jahrzehnts erstklassiger Videospiel-Kinematographie anfühlen. Ehrlich gesagt, was versucht diese Show zu tun oder zu sagen, was das Videospiel-Marketing in den letzten 10+ Jahren nicht getan (und besser gemacht) hat?

Die Titelaufstellung ist verwirrend

Wo sind die großen Namen? Das Fehlen von Schwergewichten schreit eines: Die Entwickler wollten nichts mit diesem Zugunglück zu tun haben oder warteten ab, ob Staffel 1 erscheinen würde. Achtung, Spoiler – sie wurde nicht veröffentlicht.

Die Macher scheinen die Kurzgeschichte komplett zu vermeiden

Was straff, beeindruckend und einprägsam hätte sein sollen, wirkt zusammenhanglos und einfallslos. Variety nannte es einen „uninspirierten Schlummer“ und Variety war ausnahmsweise nicht hart genug. Das geheime Level ist der Beweis dafür, dass auffällige Bilder einen Mangel an Vision, Herz oder Originalität nicht verbergen können!

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserem Dezember-Kalender!

„Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit“ ist eine der größten TV- und Streaming-Premieren dieses Monats.


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Black Doves 2024– 10Bit.BRRip New Episode Magnet Download

Black Doves 2024–  torrent
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Helen’s employer calls Sam in for her protection


Helen begins a passionate affair with a man who has no idea what her secret identity is. Helen finds herself in the crosshairs when her lover falls victim to the dangerous London underworld.

Featured on The Graham Norton Show: Cher/Keira Knightley/Michael Fassbender/Josh Brolin/Jalen Ngonda (2024)

Bingo, the owner of the guitar shop where Sam buys his guns, is played by Rat Scabies, a member of the band The Damned. Fairytale of New YorkWritten by Jem Finer, Shane MacGowanPerformed by The Pogues & Kirsty MacColl.

I like the plot as it has the potential to go in multiple directions

I hated how it started because I thought the backstories could have been expanded to cover the entire first season. However, as the episodes progressed and the series focused on the present, I began to appreciate it more.

Lovers of espionage/spy series will love it

I can’t wait to see what else they do with it. After the first few episodes, the story is very straightforward and gets more intense with each new episode.

The actors are lovable and very good at what they do

This is for those who want a good thriller/spy/spy thriller that has a bit of heart and ends quickly. No need to waste time scrolling endlessly – here’s the full lineup of new movies and series streaming on Netflix this month.

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Dişi Aslan 2023– 720p.DVD9 Yeni Bölüm Torrent İndir

Lioness 2023–  torrent
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konularda daha gerçekçi bir performans ortaya koymaya yardımcı oldu


CIA ajanı Joe, teşkilatın terörizme karşı savaşının öncüsü olarak kişisel ve profesyonel hayatını dengelemeye çalışır. Gerçek askeri danışmanlar, silah kullanımı, ev temizliği, konumlandırma, manga tabanlı operasyonlar vb.

Premios Soberano’da (2024) bahsedilmiştir

Yellowstone’un ve Taylor Sheridan’ın çalışmalarının çoğunun hayranıyım. Ancak bu biraz fazla ileri gitmek.

Giriştikleri her operasyonu mahvediyorlar

Elbette, olay örgüsünü ilerletmek için işlerin ters gitmesi gerekiyor, ama vay canına! Bu sahte özel ajan grubu beceriksiz.

Buna katılmaktan mutluluk duyarım, ancak bu şeylerin ciddiye alınması gerektiği dışında

İsyancıların kötü adamlar olabileceklerini fark etmeden önce bir saldırı başlatmalarına izin verdiğimiz açılış sahnesinden, partinin canlı hedefi olan kişiyle arkadaş olması için sevimsiz, mutsuz bir kadını (ana karakter) kullanma saçma kararına kadar. Buradaki diğerleri zaten ana karakterin bir tür süper kız olarak tasvir edildiğini belirtti.

Ve bu doğru

O bir Terminatör gibi! Ama asıl sorunum şu ki, o gerçekten sevimsiz biri.


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Lien magnétique HDRip.WEBRip de The Damned 2025

The Damned 2025 torrent
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Seed Peer40/19


The Damned est un film d’horreur psychologique intense qui suit une veuve du XIXe siècle qui doit faire un choix impossible lorsqu’un navire coule au large des côtes de son village de pêcheurs isolé pendant un hiver particulièrement rigoureux. Les provisions s’amenuisant, Eva et sa communauté soudée doivent choisir entre sauver le naufragé et…

HENRY 2024 DVD9 X265

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Il rapace invisibile 2024 720p.DUAL.H Magnete

The Invisible Raptor 2024 torrent
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Seed Peer45/12


Dopo che un esperimento top secret va storto, un raptor invisibile iper-intelligente scappa dal laboratorio e inizia a scatenare il caos nel quartiere. Quando l’identità della creatura viene rivelata, diventa subito chiaro che un paleontologo caduto in disgrazia, insieme alla sua ex fidanzata, una guardia di sicurezza squilibrata di un parco divertimenti e un famoso allevatore di polli locale, sono l’unica speranza della città di sopravvivere alla furia vorace del raptor.

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Arcane 2021–2024 DUAL.H.x265 New Episode Magnet

Arcane 2021–2024 torrent
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It already features Jinx and the city of Piltover


Amid the stark discord of twin cities Piltover and Zaun, two sisters fight on rival sides of a war between magical technologies and clashing convictions ;. Fortiche Productions has released a new music video titled "Get Jinxed" for Riot in 2013.

Featured in AniMat’s Crazy Cartoon Cast: Geeked Week for Freaks (2021)

Riot was so impressed with the work that they asked Fortiche to make an animated series, which took them several years to create. After the release of season one, Riot announced that there will be a second season that will take less time to produce.

(as Destin Route)Performed by Imagine Dragons ft JID

EnemyWritten by Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee, Daniel Platzman, Robin Fredriksson, Mattias Larsson, Justin Tranter, J.I.D. LEAGUE OF LEGENDS is a stand alone piece of art for people, like me, unfamiliar with the game, LEAGUE OF LEGENDS.

I give this series a 9 (superb) out of 10

The series is visually stunning in 3D and 2D animation with beautiful attention to detail. There is incredible world building, an engaging story line, music that serves as narration and a stellar voice cast.

{Steampunk Fantasy Adventure}

We’ve rounded up every anime series and movie we could find — created or distributed by Netflix — to see which ones rank the highest, according to IMDb users.

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Bring Them Down 2024 720p.HC Download Torrent

Bring Them Down 2024 torrent
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Seed Peer12/35

Paternalism, inheritance and generational trauma circulate through the cultural prism of Ireland


A family of Irish shepherds are at war on many fronts: internal strife, family hostility, rivalry with another farmer.

Paul Mescal and Tom Burke were originally cast in the lead roles, but both ended up dropping out after the project stalled in development and were replaced by Barry Keoghan and Christopher


The entire cast does a fantastic job, but the standouts should be Nora-Jane Murphy, Barry Keoghan and Christopher Abbot (whose accent is unreal for an American)

69TH CORK FILM FEST – #3 (PREMIERE + Q&A)A fast-paced revenge film that never has a dull moment that somehow manages to pull off the impossible, in my opinion.

Both of them do much more with their respective roles than anyone else

The themes of abuse, violence, and the inability to communicate properly are very much woven into this.

I’m really excited to see this one again when it comes out

They’re also very relevant in our world right now, so they really spoke to me.

GROMIT 2024 H264

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