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What has changed my success in me

Ballerina, writer, producer, editorial director, jazzman … They grew up in ordinary families and achieved everything in life themselves. We asked them to tell about what they taught their money and success.

Glory and wealth – for many, these concepts serve as almost synonyms of the word “happiness”. “What has changed your success in you?” – we asked this simple question to people not accidental: immigrants from the most ordinary families, they, each in their field, achieved success on their own strength and talent. However, contrary to expectations, our question excited them and even alarmed them: someone at first refused to talk about it, someone tried to belittle the value of their own achievements.

“In the Russian tradition, the culture of compassion, sympathy is strong,” the professor of Moscow State University, the head of the department of psychology of personality Alexander Asmolov comments on the words of our heroes. – That is why we support people with greater hunting in failure, and we are not able to rejoice at success (both alien and our). ”. Embarrassed our interlocutors and the verb “change”.

Their first reaction was unanimous: “I have not changed, I am the same as before!”” Money and Glory always change a person, everyone in his own way, “objects the psychotherapist Margarita Zhamkochyan. -But when we find ourselves in new circumstances, it is important for us that at least something remains constant, stable. Affirming: “I have not changed”, a person makes the key to stability a feeling of his own “I” and hopes that it will allow him to not lose his identity in any changes, survive, not break – after all, money and glory can melt.

We should analyze what is happening with our inner world, to fix our reactions, not embarrassed and not afraid of the most unexpected feelings. And then, understanding the essence of what is happening, to adjust the goals and meaning of their actions. Only having done such an internal work, we become free from any circumstances “.

Svetlana Zakharova, Prima-ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia

I think that neither money nor glory changed me – at least in the bad side. It seems to me that I became warmer and with a great understanding of other people. And especially those who helped me in life or worked with me.

I like to thank people – not out of a sense of duty, but just like that, from the heart.

I have never been a stingy girl, but if earlier I only dreamed of giving gifts and making pleasant to loved ones, now I have the opportunity to realize these dreams.

I do not consider myself a rich person, rather – wealthy. Today I earn enough not to deny myself anything and buy some things, not thinking that somewhere they are cheaper.

Of course, this was not always. When my brother and I left our native Lutsk to study in Kyiv, our mother, teacher by education, “pulled” both of us. And it was very difficult. Therefore, for the first money I earned, I experienced great pride: at least some kind of stability appeared. And then I perceived a decent salary for granted – because you get used to good quickly. And today it seems to me that it has always been like that.

Although success in my profession is a relative thing. You can have fans, fan clubs, high awards and fantastic contracts-anything. But on the stage you find yourself alone with the public, and here you are as naked – you will not hide anything. And each time you have to prove that you are worthy of this success “.

Elena Sotnikova, editorial director of the Publishing House “AFS”

Success did not change me in any way. I will say sincerely: I do not think about him, he is simply an integral part of my life. Of course this is from childhood. My parents (mom – pediatrician, dad – engineer) always instilled in me the idea of what I should, simply must be successful in everything.

For 10 years of study at school, I had only a few four in a quarter, and each for me was a real tragedy. My parents never commented on excellent assessments, but any “subsidence” was perceived at home as a complete failure.

This is not to say that success is not important for me – it is simply necessary as air. We don’t think about air? But if it becomes smaller, there is a panic. I can get such anxiety to the absurdity. Therefore, some people consider me extremely conceited.

But, from my point of view, this is too simplified a look at my difficult relations with success. Now about wealth. It seems to me that in our country it is measured in other numbers. I have a worthy salary corresponding to my position and allows you to lead a calm lifestyle. However, I am a hired worker, my income is fixed, and I cannot count on the fact that in the future, even remote, I will earn millions.

But I probably don’t need it. While I am able to receive joy from buying an expensive bag or apartment (of course, on credit), I can consider myself a happy person “.

Igor Butman, Jazzman

I have always been ambitious, worked, wanted to achieve glory and success. Therefore, today I feel in the same way as before, when I was a boy who went to music school with Clarinet. I feel good. I really like to do what I do – to delight people, to give them pleasure – and for me this is the main thing. No, I think success has not changed me much. Perhaps now I am a little more confident in myself – after all, some achievements, merits have accumulated. Although they mainly concern only music-in terms of some other life things, I do not have such confidence.

There are rich, successful, but unhappy people. To withstand the test of glory, a stable psyche is necessary: one must clearly see and correctly understand your situation, work and continue to live on. The main thing is that wisdom comes to a person with success. It must be understood that fame, even if you are talented and worked a lot on the way to it, is still a gift. Remembering that you are just lucky, easier to understand and forgive other people.

This is not to say that I personally are happy that I am rich. Yes, I have a car, an apartment, but this is not such a wealth. I feel happy because I am doing my favorite thing that I have a good family and wonderful friends and for my loved ones I can do something good. I really am happy with this “.

Alexey Ivanov, writer

I do not like the concept of “success”: for me it is something like getting super-profits that does not correspond to invested work and abilities. The thing is mutual. Only for naive girls, GITIS applicants, success-these are flowers, limousines, covers, current shows. In fact, this is a mirror that was suddenly set before you. And, it is likely that, seeing a reflection, you will fade in a panic: “This is what a freak?! Remove immediately!»I don’t know how others, but I sometimes barely restrained from such a crush. In the mirror of success, not only you yourself are reflected, but also your world. And it may be much smaller than the one in which you lived before. Many I needed a small and quiet one, because I pleasantly shaded them with him. And when he stopped shading and obscured, he did not need.

But not everything is so gloomy. If you went to success not for the sake of himself, but for the sake of business, then success is an increase in opportunities. Opportunities not only to improve your life – to buy a new apartment or car, but also to implement a larger project, which was beyond your power, while you dug your underground passage alone with your bare hands.

And your success is also the victory of your faith, your beliefs. Everyone told me: who needs you with your themes? The unknown principality of the forgotten century, which has been where –

is it interesting to the capital? Chugun -melting plants of three hundred years ago – what are you crazy? Who will read about it? Who are you at all – a stubborn dick from the industrial outskirts of the provincial city?

You look at your passport: what is your last name? Ivanov! Everything is free. To turn such a situation is like knocking out a walled door with a shoulder. And the fact that you do all this not only for yourself, but also for the sake of others, gives the sensations a tremendous acuteness “.

Elena Yatsura, film producer

A feeling of success is like a new year: gifts under the Christmas tree – you and you, anticipation of a fairy tale, a magical night, have time to make desires, live the first 12 days as you want to live 12 months.

My work is communication with a huge number of people and circumstances. The feeling of success is the joy of mutually fulfilled obligations and promises, correctly made decisions, the choice made – so right that even the stars in the sky liked and therefore was also lucky.

My success is here and now. Yesterday’s success – even the most powerful and sonorous – not indulgence forever. It is uninteresting to be the hero of the past. Of course, a series of success gives more strength to move on, inspires, opens the doors of new opportunities, but the road to the next success is a new route, which must be passed from beginning to end.

The possibility of success – inside us. This opportunity is in fearlessness, curiosity and love of life, in self -discipline and patience, in understanding oneself and their purpose. And not success changes us as such, but the path that leads to him: I am walking along it every day, I am happy “.

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What is the benefit of idleness?

Weekend or vacation, but you cannot stop and do nothing? Achievements are important. But where to get the forces on them, if you do not really relax? The expert tells why it’s messy – it’s good and how to do it with the maximum benefit for yourself.

Society is focused on success. And the synonym for success today has become a constant movement. However, people inside do not have an eternal battery, and they need a reboot vital. In the “proteins in the wheel”, no one can withstand for a long time and will not be able to constantly achieve high results. How to plunge into “nothing” and why it is necessary?

How to loosen correctly

There are several ways to “nothing”:

  • A free lifestyle – a person simply does not bother, spends time idly, does only what he likes;
  • Relaxation, departure from work – reading books, walks, watching your favorite films;
  • Immersion in himself is when a person really does nothing at all, stops and meets with himself in the moment here and now.

The first way will not bring benefits, but only take us away from goals, confuse the guidelines. Two other ways help restart, fill up with energy, understand yourself and your true desires.

It’s like with training in the gym. They will be useless if you do not give the body a vacation, because just during relaxation, the body completes the processes launched in the classroom. The more you “pump”, grow on yourself, work, do different things, the more relaxation, rest, freedom, air and space should be in life.

“I can’t do anything” – why?

Most often the reason for this in the installations learned in childhood. This happens with people to whom mom or dad said: “Why are you lying? We work from morning to night! Go do something!”Then, in adulthood, this inner censor remains with us, a voice that mercilessly” cuts in the root “all attempts to relax. And in vain: when a person buzz from rituals, bodily practices and other methods of relaxation suitable for him, he does as much as possible for his further growth, development and promotion in all areas. And do not reproach yourself for watching the series, rest on the couch or conversation with a friend!

Why is it so important to relax

When we only work, study and engage in economics, then there is no space for creativity, insights and ideas. And they come to us only during recreation periods, while we implement them during the period of active actions.

New creative ideas are important in any specialty and profession. Employees who are able to creatively and non-standard to solve complex issues are highly valued and usually receive a higher salary in comparison with those who perform ordinary actions, without complementing them with something new, without improving the processes.

The benefits of “nothing”

It is useful to be useful not only to work well later, but also:

  • For good health -regular pauses during the working day (5-10 minutes) reduce heart rate, improve digestion processes, protect the nervous system from emotional exhaustion and improve mood.
  • For the brain – periods of inaction increase the level of oxygen, glucose, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the mind.
  • For the quality of life – If the periods are regular, the mind is cleansed and life improves, since a person can catch excellent insights relative to the further path.

And here the balance is important, and not “I will now legally mess around and do nothing else at all, the psychologist allowed me”. It is important to build your life so that it has a space for relaxation, recharging, filling your body with forces and inspiration. And also, of course, it should have a space for active actions, for the implementation of these ideas and plans – work, study, personal files.

How to learn how to relax correctly

You need to understand that it is important to work and achieve your goals, but also to relax is also. Then in life there will be a place for productivity and development. To relax correctly, you should adhere to several recommendations.

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